G1: Whites (Omaha)(Darnisha, Dorotha, Danita, Sherita & Beverly) v. Hartings
R1: For her CHEATING husband's funeral, what might the wife tell the funeral director to SKIP?:
#1: Eulogy/kind words (44)(Darnisha)
Dorotha: Viewing/wake- #2 (12)
Danita (hubby was in the audience): Burial- X
Sherita: Makeup- XX
Beverly (2nd Grade teacher married to D'Angelo, also in audience): Songs- BA (2- esp. Michael Bolton for some reason)
Darnisha: Flowers- #5 (6)
Dorotha: Services- #2 (18)
Danita: Obituary- XXX
Bethany S: Prayers- X
#4: Placing him in coffin (& using a trash bag instead)(7)
#6: Dressing him (w/ pants)(4)
#7: Embalming
R2: Women like to share clothes w/ their friends. What do men like to share?:
#1: Beer/booze (29)(Tyler)
Landon: Nothing- X
Brenda: Stories/lies- #2 (22)
David: Tools- #3 (16)
Bethany: $$$- XX
Tyler: Responsibilities- XXX
Darnisha S: Women- ESP. HOOKERS (9)
#5: V.G. (8)
BAs Not Given: Tips/advice & sporting equip. (4 each)
Double: If you were stuck in prison, what would you like to find in your cell?:
#5: Food/steak (7)(Danita)
#6: Hottie/James Franco (7)(Landon)
Brenda: Keys- #3 (10)
David: (Soft) bed- X
Bethany: Booze- XX
Tyler: Showers- XXX
Darnisha S #2: Phones- LAST BA (7)
#1: TVs (21)
#2: Books/magazines (12)
#4: Computer/wi-fi (9)
TRIPLE: Name something made of foam rubber:
#2: (NERF) balls (14)(Brenda)
X- Foam (Sherita)
David: Mattresses/toppers- #3 (12)
Bethany: Pool noodles- X
Tyler: Tumbling mats- XX
Landon: Chairs/seat cushions/pillows- #1 (53)
Brenda: Flotation devices- XXX
Darnisha S for Game Over: Hair rollers- X (BA: Foam fingers)(8)
SD: What complaint might a husband make to his mom about his wife?
Beverly: Her cooking sucks- W (70)
1. On the scale, how much do you need a makeover?
2. A word rhyming w/ "candy".
3. Someplace where people drop things off.
4. Something you need to get the party started.
5. Which country does the shirt on your back came from?
1. 6: 2
2. Mandy: 12
3. Stores: 2
4. Alcohol: 43
5. U.S.: 34
T- 93
1. 5: 26 (T1: 8)
2. Brandy: 8 (#1: Sandy; could've also said dandy or handy)
3. Daycare: 7 (#1: Post office)
4. Decorations: L (T1: Music)
5. China: 47
T- 171
G2: Quaiteses v. Bettses (CIN)(Tyler, Shannon, Kim, Jeff & Lori)
R1: Name an animal a male stripper might call himself because of his size:
#2: Tiger (11)(Tyler- insurance agent for 19 yrs.)
#5: Anaconda/snake (7)(Vicki)
Shannon (wife): Gorilla- #4 (8)
Kim: Bear- X
Jeff: Watch.
Lori (mom): Weasel
Vicki S: Horse/stallion- #1 (41)
#3: Bull (10)
T5: (Jumbo) elephant
BA: Donkey/jackass (4)
R2: Name a food that would be hard to keep on the shelf if marijuana becomes legal for all:
#2: Cookies (21)(James)
#3: Brownies (11)(Shannon)
Lisa: Potato chips/Doritos- #1 (43)
Robin: Candy/chocolate- #4 (8)
Jay: I.C.- X
Vicki: Fruit- XX
James: Cake- XXX
Tyler S: Pizza- X (BA: Cheetos)(3)
Double: Name something a guest might steal from a wedding:
#2: Gifts/$$$ (15)(Lisa)
#4: Cake/food (12)(Kim)
Robin: Cake topper- X
Jay: Cards- XX
Vicki: Centerpiece/flowers- #1 (27)
James: Decorations- XXX
Tyler S #2: Silverware- #3 (14)
#5: Napkins (8)
Unsaid BAs: Bride/people, (wine) glasses & booze (6 a pop)
TRIPLE: Name a place where you should always wear a clean pair of underwear:
#2: Church (9)(Robin)
X- School (Jeff)
Jay: Hospital/Dr.- #1 (73)
Vicki: Work- #3 (8)
James On a date- X
Lisa: Job interview- XX
Robin: Plane- XXX
Tyler S to W: On vacation- L (BA: Gym/locker rm.)(7)
1. According to men on the scale, how much does it bother you when you pack on the extra 10 lbs.?
2. Something dogs love to go to the bathroom on.
3. A part of your body you shave most often.
4. Something that gets fired.
5. A good gift for a tennis player.
1. 7: 11
2. Grass: 16
3. Booty: 19
4. Cigarettes: X
5. Rackets: 42
T- 88
1. 8: 10 (#1: 5)
2. Fire hydrants: 23 (#1: Carpets/floors)
3. Head: 28 (#1: Hands/fingers)
4. People: 46
5. Balls: 39
T- 234
6PM: 6
6:30PM: 7
R1: For her CHEATING husband's funeral, what might the wife tell the funeral director to SKIP?:
#1: Eulogy/kind words (44)(Darnisha)
Dorotha: Viewing/wake- #2 (12)
Danita (hubby was in the audience): Burial- X
Sherita: Makeup- XX
Beverly (2nd Grade teacher married to D'Angelo, also in audience): Songs- BA (2- esp. Michael Bolton for some reason)
Darnisha: Flowers- #5 (6)
Dorotha: Services- #2 (18)
Danita: Obituary- XXX
Bethany S: Prayers- X
#4: Placing him in coffin (& using a trash bag instead)(7)
#6: Dressing him (w/ pants)(4)
#7: Embalming
R2: Women like to share clothes w/ their friends. What do men like to share?:
#1: Beer/booze (29)(Tyler)
Landon: Nothing- X
Brenda: Stories/lies- #2 (22)
David: Tools- #3 (16)
Bethany: $$$- XX
Tyler: Responsibilities- XXX
Darnisha S: Women- ESP. HOOKERS (9)
#5: V.G. (8)
BAs Not Given: Tips/advice & sporting equip. (4 each)
Double: If you were stuck in prison, what would you like to find in your cell?:
#5: Food/steak (7)(Danita)
#6: Hottie/James Franco (7)(Landon)
Brenda: Keys- #3 (10)
David: (Soft) bed- X
Bethany: Booze- XX
Tyler: Showers- XXX
Darnisha S #2: Phones- LAST BA (7)
#1: TVs (21)
#2: Books/magazines (12)
#4: Computer/wi-fi (9)
TRIPLE: Name something made of foam rubber:
#2: (NERF) balls (14)(Brenda)
X- Foam (Sherita)
David: Mattresses/toppers- #3 (12)
Bethany: Pool noodles- X
Tyler: Tumbling mats- XX
Landon: Chairs/seat cushions/pillows- #1 (53)
Brenda: Flotation devices- XXX
Darnisha S for Game Over: Hair rollers- X (BA: Foam fingers)(8)
SD: What complaint might a husband make to his mom about his wife?
Beverly: Her cooking sucks- W (70)
1. On the scale, how much do you need a makeover?
2. A word rhyming w/ "candy".
3. Someplace where people drop things off.
4. Something you need to get the party started.
5. Which country does the shirt on your back came from?
1. 6: 2
2. Mandy: 12
3. Stores: 2
4. Alcohol: 43
5. U.S.: 34
T- 93
1. 5: 26 (T1: 8)
2. Brandy: 8 (#1: Sandy; could've also said dandy or handy)
3. Daycare: 7 (#1: Post office)
4. Decorations: L (T1: Music)
5. China: 47
T- 171
G2: Quaiteses v. Bettses (CIN)(Tyler, Shannon, Kim, Jeff & Lori)
R1: Name an animal a male stripper might call himself because of his size:
#2: Tiger (11)(Tyler- insurance agent for 19 yrs.)
#5: Anaconda/snake (7)(Vicki)
Shannon (wife): Gorilla- #4 (8)
Kim: Bear- X
Jeff: Watch.
Lori (mom): Weasel
Vicki S: Horse/stallion- #1 (41)
#3: Bull (10)
T5: (Jumbo) elephant
BA: Donkey/jackass (4)
R2: Name a food that would be hard to keep on the shelf if marijuana becomes legal for all:
#2: Cookies (21)(James)
#3: Brownies (11)(Shannon)
Lisa: Potato chips/Doritos- #1 (43)
Robin: Candy/chocolate- #4 (8)
Jay: I.C.- X
Vicki: Fruit- XX
James: Cake- XXX
Tyler S: Pizza- X (BA: Cheetos)(3)
Double: Name something a guest might steal from a wedding:
#2: Gifts/$$$ (15)(Lisa)
#4: Cake/food (12)(Kim)
Robin: Cake topper- X
Jay: Cards- XX
Vicki: Centerpiece/flowers- #1 (27)
James: Decorations- XXX
Tyler S #2: Silverware- #3 (14)
#5: Napkins (8)
Unsaid BAs: Bride/people, (wine) glasses & booze (6 a pop)
TRIPLE: Name a place where you should always wear a clean pair of underwear:
#2: Church (9)(Robin)
X- School (Jeff)
Jay: Hospital/Dr.- #1 (73)
Vicki: Work- #3 (8)
James On a date- X
Lisa: Job interview- XX
Robin: Plane- XXX
Tyler S to W: On vacation- L (BA: Gym/locker rm.)(7)
1. According to men on the scale, how much does it bother you when you pack on the extra 10 lbs.?
2. Something dogs love to go to the bathroom on.
3. A part of your body you shave most often.
4. Something that gets fired.
5. A good gift for a tennis player.
1. 7: 11
2. Grass: 16
3. Booty: 19
4. Cigarettes: X
5. Rackets: 42
T- 88
1. 8: 10 (#1: 5)
2. Fire hydrants: 23 (#1: Carpets/floors)
3. Head: 28 (#1: Hands/fingers)
4. People: 46
5. Balls: 39
T- 234
6PM: 6
6:30PM: 7