M-U: Orrs (Steph, Mick, Jim & Jill) v. Daniels
R1: Name a type of canned food:
#8: Corn (3)(Rhonda)
X- Soup (Steph)
Michael: Baked beans- #1 (37)
Helen: Spaghetti- #4 (8)
David: SPAM- #5 (7)
Rhonda: Pet food- #3 (15)
Michael: Peas- X
Helen: Fruit- T6 (5)
David: Mixed veggies- XX
Rhonda: Mushrooms- XXX
Steph S: Tuna- #2 (20)(T6: Tomatoes, which they also thought of)
R2: Name something you assoc. w/ "missing":
#1: Person (47)(Mick)
#2: Keys (14)(Michael)
Helen: Posters
David: Clothes
Rhonda: Phone- BA (3)
Michael: Children- #3 (13)
Helen: Wallet- XXX
Steph S #2: Links- X
#4: Pets (8)
#5: Lost (5)
BAs Not Given: Tooth/teeth & socks
Double: Other than the ocean, somewhere you might find water:
#1: Pools (28)(Helen)
David: Lakes- #3 (21)
Rhonda: Dams- X
Michael: Tap- BA (7)
Helen: Sinks- XX
David: Rivers- #2 (23)
Rhonda: Seas- XXX
Steph S #3: Baths- YES (8) 269
TRIPLE: Name something you do during the weekend that you wish you could do more of during the wk.:
#1: Sleep in (38)(Jill)
X- Boating (David)
Steph: Go out for coffee- X
Mick: Play w/ kids- XX
Jim: Watch sports- 3 & OUT
Rhonda S: Fishing- T3 (4)
#2: Relax (17)
T3: See friends
BAs All Not Given: Drink, go to the beach, party & shopping
SD: Something specific made from denim.
Rhonda: Jeans (92)
1. Give a reason a person might decline an alcoholic drink.
2. What's something that has teeth?
3. Something people do on their birthday.
4. Give a reason you might stay up late.
5. Something you need to have if you're a nurse.
1. Going to AA: 5
2. Sharks: 18
3. Party: 26
4. Watch movies: 13
5. Uniforms: 9
T- 71
1. Driving: 28 (#1: Pregnant)
2. Crocodiles: 13 (#1: Humans)
3. Celebrate: 14 (#1: Eat cake)
4. Party: 14 (#1: Watch TV)
5. Qualifications: 31
T- 171
R1: Name a type of canned food:
#8: Corn (3)(Rhonda)
X- Soup (Steph)
Michael: Baked beans- #1 (37)
Helen: Spaghetti- #4 (8)
David: SPAM- #5 (7)
Rhonda: Pet food- #3 (15)
Michael: Peas- X
Helen: Fruit- T6 (5)
David: Mixed veggies- XX
Rhonda: Mushrooms- XXX
Steph S: Tuna- #2 (20)(T6: Tomatoes, which they also thought of)
R2: Name something you assoc. w/ "missing":
#1: Person (47)(Mick)
#2: Keys (14)(Michael)
Helen: Posters
David: Clothes
Rhonda: Phone- BA (3)
Michael: Children- #3 (13)
Helen: Wallet- XXX
Steph S #2: Links- X
#4: Pets (8)
#5: Lost (5)
BAs Not Given: Tooth/teeth & socks
Double: Other than the ocean, somewhere you might find water:
#1: Pools (28)(Helen)
David: Lakes- #3 (21)
Rhonda: Dams- X
Michael: Tap- BA (7)
Helen: Sinks- XX
David: Rivers- #2 (23)
Rhonda: Seas- XXX
Steph S #3: Baths- YES (8) 269
TRIPLE: Name something you do during the weekend that you wish you could do more of during the wk.:
#1: Sleep in (38)(Jill)
X- Boating (David)
Steph: Go out for coffee- X
Mick: Play w/ kids- XX
Jim: Watch sports- 3 & OUT
Rhonda S: Fishing- T3 (4)
#2: Relax (17)
T3: See friends
BAs All Not Given: Drink, go to the beach, party & shopping
SD: Something specific made from denim.
Rhonda: Jeans (92)
1. Give a reason a person might decline an alcoholic drink.
2. What's something that has teeth?
3. Something people do on their birthday.
4. Give a reason you might stay up late.
5. Something you need to have if you're a nurse.
1. Going to AA: 5
2. Sharks: 18
3. Party: 26
4. Watch movies: 13
5. Uniforms: 9
T- 71
1. Driving: 28 (#1: Pregnant)
2. Crocodiles: 13 (#1: Humans)
3. Celebrate: 14 (#1: Eat cake)
4. Party: 14 (#1: Watch TV)
5. Qualifications: 31
T- 171