C #2: This runway challenge took place on shipping containers; also, each model was raised in the air.
PS #2: Teams of two were bound together.
P: Erik
Lacey& Bello: Chains
Devin& Ashley: Barbed wire
Hadassah & Dustin: Skinny belts
Mame& Justin: Computer cords
Nyle& Delanie: Ropes
Ava& Stefano: Lights
Mikey& Courtney: Hair
FS (Miss J./Tyra/Kelly/Chal./Total):
1.Devin (9/10/10/7/36)
2. Justin (8.5/9/9/9/35.5)
3. Lacey (8/8.7/9/9/34.7)
4. Mikey (8/8/9.5/9/34.5)
5. Ava (8/8.3/9/8/33.3)
6. Mame (8/8/7/10/33)
7. Bello (7.9/8.9/8.5/7/32.3)
8. Ashley (7/8/8.2/9/32.2)
9. Courtney (8/7.9/7.8/7/30.7)
10. Hadassah (6.8/8/7.3/8/30.1)
11. Nyle (7/8/7/8/30)
12. Dustin (6.8/7.3/6.4/9/29.5)
13. Stefano (6/7.1/5.2/8/26.3)
L- Delanie (6/7/5/8/26)
PS #2: Teams of two were bound together.
P: Erik
Lacey& Bello: Chains
Devin& Ashley: Barbed wire
Hadassah & Dustin: Skinny belts
Mame& Justin: Computer cords
Nyle& Delanie: Ropes
Ava& Stefano: Lights
Mikey& Courtney: Hair
FS (Miss J./Tyra/Kelly/Chal./Total):
1.Devin (9/10/10/7/36)
2. Justin (8.5/9/9/9/35.5)
3. Lacey (8/8.7/9/9/34.7)
4. Mikey (8/8/9.5/9/34.5)
5. Ava (8/8.3/9/8/33.3)
6. Mame (8/8/7/10/33)
7. Bello (7.9/8.9/8.5/7/32.3)
8. Ashley (7/8/8.2/9/32.2)
9. Courtney (8/7.9/7.8/7/30.7)
10. Hadassah (6.8/8/7.3/8/30.1)
11. Nyle (7/8/7/8/30)
12. Dustin (6.8/7.3/6.4/9/29.5)
13. Stefano (6/7.1/5.2/8/26.3)
L- Delanie (6/7/5/8/26)