EP. 2031:
Reece & Nathalie (dating; he's from England)
Miles & Jordan
Couple: Find the largest whisker
T$180: The one in the dog's mouth
Guys: Da Vinci made the Mona Lisa. Who made the van go?
T$200: Van driver
Couple: Touch the license plate that's definitely dirtiest
T$ 20: "HOLE N 1"
Guys: Which head's biggest?
T$180: Beer glass furthest to the right$ 380
N: Touch the two ass-less chaps
Success?$ 50: N
J: Touch "D1 B4 C3"
T$125: B2$ 505
R: Find this square
T$200: The one the guy was directly pointing at
M: Facing jail, Bill turns his life around 360 degrees. Where's he headed now?
T$275: Jail$ 780
1. There's an "i" in this TEAM. Touch it
J$600: Bottom part of T
N$200: "i" that looks like the A$ 600
2. Press the shortest line from start to finish
M$2K: The one at the very bottom$2,780
R$2200: W BY $20$2,800
SM: Touch Lynn's mother's father's son's sister's daughter
R:09: Susan
NIDIOT (A: Lynn)
Stanson & Glencie (roommates)
Jennifer & Tamara (pest control co-workers)
Gentlemen: Which shirt's inside OUT?
Ladies: Touch the person who can't lose
T$ 60: Dealer
Gentlemen: Find the can opener
Success?$140: N
Ladies: Touch the one that's definitely tender
T$100: Legal tender$ 160
G: Touch the one w/ the most pockets
T$325: Construction worker in front of pool table$ 465
J: Which of these climbed the wall the slowest?
Vine at Very Right Found?$250: N
S: First, touch the red arrow. Then touch the blue arrow
T: Which cake's candles (out of four) will last the longest?
T$ 75: #2 (A: #3)
1. Touch who painted the famous painting below
G$700: Painting (of Van Gogh)$1,165
T$300: Michelangelo
2. Touch the 20-second picture below
J$2K: #14 (:20 timer)$2,160
S$2200: W$3,365
SM: Given dress, ear muffs & flannel, touch the item below that logically goes above the question mark- shoes, hat, gloves or shorts.
G:16: Gloves
S:03: Shoes$4,365
Reece & Nathalie (dating; he's from England)
Miles & Jordan
Couple: Find the largest whisker
T$180: The one in the dog's mouth
Guys: Da Vinci made the Mona Lisa. Who made the van go?
T$200: Van driver
Couple: Touch the license plate that's definitely dirtiest
T$ 20: "HOLE N 1"
Guys: Which head's biggest?
T$180: Beer glass furthest to the right$ 380
N: Touch the two ass-less chaps
Success?$ 50: N
J: Touch "D1 B4 C3"
T$125: B2$ 505
R: Find this square
T$200: The one the guy was directly pointing at
M: Facing jail, Bill turns his life around 360 degrees. Where's he headed now?
T$275: Jail$ 780
1. There's an "i" in this TEAM. Touch it
J$600: Bottom part of T
N$200: "i" that looks like the A$ 600
2. Press the shortest line from start to finish
M$2K: The one at the very bottom$2,780
R$2200: W BY $20$2,800
SM: Touch Lynn's mother's father's son's sister's daughter
R:09: Susan
NIDIOT (A: Lynn)
Stanson & Glencie (roommates)
Jennifer & Tamara (pest control co-workers)
Gentlemen: Which shirt's inside OUT?
Ladies: Touch the person who can't lose
T$ 60: Dealer
Gentlemen: Find the can opener
Success?$140: N
Ladies: Touch the one that's definitely tender
T$100: Legal tender$ 160
G: Touch the one w/ the most pockets
T$325: Construction worker in front of pool table$ 465
J: Which of these climbed the wall the slowest?
Vine at Very Right Found?$250: N
S: First, touch the red arrow. Then touch the blue arrow
T: Which cake's candles (out of four) will last the longest?
T$ 75: #2 (A: #3)
1. Touch who painted the famous painting below
G$700: Painting (of Van Gogh)$1,165
T$300: Michelangelo
2. Touch the 20-second picture below
J$2K: #14 (:20 timer)$2,160
S$2200: W$3,365
SM: Given dress, ear muffs & flannel, touch the item below that logically goes above the question mark- shoes, hat, gloves or shorts.
G:16: Gloves
S:03: Shoes$4,365