EP. 2034:
Lauren & Missy (Yankees)
Steve & Dan (Red Sox)
Yankees: Touch the shortcut that's quickest to use
Red Sox: Logically, who just robbed this bank?
T$ 40: #3 (A: #4)
Yankees: No one under 18 admitted. Who's NOT getting in?
IDIOT (A: The man at the door)
Red Sox: Amongst a plane banner saying "FLYING HOVERS WHEE", touch the word that means the opposite of HIGH
T$140: LOW
M: Touch the "ashtray"
Success?$200: Y
S: Touch the section where you can always read about the twins, a ram & a virgin
T$225: Sports
L: First, press the "shuffle" button. Then, press the only color that changed
T$200: Star in the middle (A: Background)
D: Which could most easily change into BLUE JEANS- Jason Brooks, Chris Feeney, Jules Bean or Irene Diamond?
T$300: Jules Bean$ 440
1. Which one (of the four) looks most like an idiot?
S$850: #1$1,290
L$850: Man in front of #1
2. Touch the time below that it would be if both clock hands were midway between 1 & 2- 1:07, 1:30, 2:07 or 12:00.
D$1K: 1:07
M$1300: Space in between 1 & 2
SM: Logically (if Anchorage, AK, Honolulu, HI, Newark, NJ & Dover, DE), where else would this airline fly- Pittsburgh, PA, Tucson, AZ, Boston, MA or Austin, TX?
S:21: Pittsburgh
D:03: Austin$2,290
Joey & Allen
Kristen & Erik (married from Big Bear)
Guys: Who has to deal w/ the most tooth decay- Buster Raines, Mr. Brian Moore, Ruth Canal or Ivy Shapiro, D.D.S.?
T$140: Ivy Shapiro, D.D.S.
Couple: Which one has the most rings here?
T$ 80: Lady in middle (A: Tree)
Guys: She's blonde, loyal & doesn't mind if you keep the toilet seat up. Touch her (on IdiotHarmony)
T$180: Dog in photo #2$ 320
Couple: Where does this brain store WORDS?
T$120: "WORDS" in center
K: First, touch the baby dummy. Then touch the baby, dummy!
Success?$250: Y$ 370
A: Which shoe would definitely get her outfit started on the right foot?
T$225: The far to the far left$ 545
E: Touch the word in all caps below
IDIOT (A:"Idiots on both baseball caps)
J: Who lands first (of the three)?
T$300: #2$ 845
1. Which number below's reflected by what you see above- four, six, 12 or 16?
E$450: Four$ 820
A$550: AGREED$1,395
2. Touch the one (car) w/ the busted right blinker
K$1.5K: The woman in the red car$2,320
J$1900: W$3,295
SM: Touch the day that starts w/ "t"
A:22: tomorrow
J:03: Tea mug$4,295
Lauren & Missy (Yankees)
Steve & Dan (Red Sox)
Yankees: Touch the shortcut that's quickest to use
Red Sox: Logically, who just robbed this bank?
T$ 40: #3 (A: #4)
Yankees: No one under 18 admitted. Who's NOT getting in?
IDIOT (A: The man at the door)
Red Sox: Amongst a plane banner saying "FLYING HOVERS WHEE", touch the word that means the opposite of HIGH
T$140: LOW
M: Touch the "ashtray"
Success?$200: Y
S: Touch the section where you can always read about the twins, a ram & a virgin
T$225: Sports
L: First, press the "shuffle" button. Then, press the only color that changed
T$200: Star in the middle (A: Background)
D: Which could most easily change into BLUE JEANS- Jason Brooks, Chris Feeney, Jules Bean or Irene Diamond?
T$300: Jules Bean$ 440
1. Which one (of the four) looks most like an idiot?
S$850: #1$1,290
L$850: Man in front of #1
2. Touch the time below that it would be if both clock hands were midway between 1 & 2- 1:07, 1:30, 2:07 or 12:00.
D$1K: 1:07
M$1300: Space in between 1 & 2
SM: Logically (if Anchorage, AK, Honolulu, HI, Newark, NJ & Dover, DE), where else would this airline fly- Pittsburgh, PA, Tucson, AZ, Boston, MA or Austin, TX?
S:21: Pittsburgh
D:03: Austin$2,290
Joey & Allen
Kristen & Erik (married from Big Bear)
Guys: Who has to deal w/ the most tooth decay- Buster Raines, Mr. Brian Moore, Ruth Canal or Ivy Shapiro, D.D.S.?
T$140: Ivy Shapiro, D.D.S.
Couple: Which one has the most rings here?
T$ 80: Lady in middle (A: Tree)
Guys: She's blonde, loyal & doesn't mind if you keep the toilet seat up. Touch her (on IdiotHarmony)
T$180: Dog in photo #2$ 320
Couple: Where does this brain store WORDS?
T$120: "WORDS" in center
K: First, touch the baby dummy. Then touch the baby, dummy!
Success?$250: Y$ 370
A: Which shoe would definitely get her outfit started on the right foot?
T$225: The far to the far left$ 545
E: Touch the word in all caps below
IDIOT (A:"Idiots on both baseball caps)
J: Who lands first (of the three)?
T$300: #2$ 845
1. Which number below's reflected by what you see above- four, six, 12 or 16?
E$450: Four$ 820
A$550: AGREED$1,395
2. Touch the one (car) w/ the busted right blinker
K$1.5K: The woman in the red car$2,320
J$1900: W$3,295
SM: Touch the day that starts w/ "t"
A:22: tomorrow
J:03: Tea mug$4,295