TP #4 M-U:Raphy v. Mitch
G ("My Way or the Highway"): This is a tug-of-war using a steel chain.
C #5 ("Family Connection"): Everybody wore a helmet w/ a square panel attached to it. The two teams had to pull a rope to release a ball. While keeping that ball on their panel, s/he had to deposit it into a basket (if that ball hit the sand, it was dead). The squad w/ more transferred balls (out of 20) the fastest would win.
W= RT (18-14)
TP #5 M-U:KellyAnne v. Nany
G ("Ring My Bell"): Four mattresses were available w/ a bell behind each one. The first competitor who made 50 bell rings would be victorious.
G ("My Way or the Highway"): This is a tug-of-war using a steel chain.
C #5 ("Family Connection"): Everybody wore a helmet w/ a square panel attached to it. The two teams had to pull a rope to release a ball. While keeping that ball on their panel, s/he had to deposit it into a basket (if that ball hit the sand, it was dead). The squad w/ more transferred balls (out of 20) the fastest would win.
W= RT (18-14)
TP #5 M-U:KellyAnne v. Nany
G ("Ring My Bell"): Four mattresses were available w/ a bell behind each one. The first competitor who made 50 bell rings would be victorious.