Brad (writer) & Pete (lawyer)
Erin & Austin (dating)
B&P: Touch the game changer
T$240: Man w/ remote
E&A: Touch the fur that has spots
T$240: Furry dice
B&P: This TEENAGER is mixed up! What does it make- ARNOLD PALMER, GREEN TEA, COFFEE or MILKSHAKE?
T$140: GREEN TEA$ 380
E&A: Touch the one on the right that looks most like the guy on the left
T$180: Mirror$ 420
B: Go fish! Which two make a matching pair?
T$300: Hearts$ 680
A: Which clock's accurate most often?
T$125: Broken$ 545
P: Touch the doctor doctoring Dr. Doctor's doctor
T$250: #2 (the lady)$ 930
E: Based on what you see, who probably ISN'T at Santa's beach party- Rudolph, Kris Kringle, Frosty or Blitzen?
T$300: Santa (A: Blitzen)
1. Who's holding the most money?
B$600: $100 bill
E$650: Person holding the $100 bill$1,195
2. If yesterday was Aug. 23 & tomorrow's Aug. 25, touch present day
P$600: My birthday$1,530
A$500: W$1,695
SM: How many buttons will make the elevator go up from here (currently on floor #7; the highest floor's #8)?
FA: 1- W
Erin & Austin (dating)
B&P: Touch the game changer
T$240: Man w/ remote
E&A: Touch the fur that has spots
T$240: Furry dice
B&P: This TEENAGER is mixed up! What does it make- ARNOLD PALMER, GREEN TEA, COFFEE or MILKSHAKE?
T$140: GREEN TEA$ 380
E&A: Touch the one on the right that looks most like the guy on the left
T$180: Mirror$ 420
B: Go fish! Which two make a matching pair?
T$300: Hearts$ 680
A: Which clock's accurate most often?
T$125: Broken$ 545
P: Touch the doctor doctoring Dr. Doctor's doctor
T$250: #2 (the lady)$ 930
E: Based on what you see, who probably ISN'T at Santa's beach party- Rudolph, Kris Kringle, Frosty or Blitzen?
T$300: Santa (A: Blitzen)
1. Who's holding the most money?
B$600: $100 bill
E$650: Person holding the $100 bill$1,195
2. If yesterday was Aug. 23 & tomorrow's Aug. 25, touch present day
P$600: My birthday$1,530
A$500: W$1,695
SM: How many buttons will make the elevator go up from here (currently on floor #7; the highest floor's #8)?
FA: 1- W