Deal #1:
Danielle (Cookie Monster): #2- W/D rm. ($4,270)
Michael (dark blue grad): $1K (SB)- Fast food jewelry
Ernestina (Rock star): SE- PD (trip to Grand Pineapple)
A: Bobbie (propeller)
C: Chevrolet Camaro
WIPEOUT ($600)
Warren's FD D (manufacturing home industry PM dressed as Popeye): #1 ON HOUSE- $300 (#2: BBQ pkg.)
Kimber's FD D (grapes): #1- G.R. (BB: Wind-up car)
Melissa (UC-Davis math student dressed as pig):
R1: SB- Spa treatments (#1: Bedroom)
FD:#2- PD #2 (ScIOn xB)
TL: Sandra
T (#3): 5n at Smugglers' Notch ($6,450)
"Dharma & Greg": '97- SITS W/ $500 (so now you see why they switched segments today)
"Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman": '93
"Newsradio": '95
Friends of the D: Drake & Tighe
D: #3 (CHINESE)- Z
T: BB (ITALIAN)- FLYScooter (Wayne wrongly said it was a VESPA)
(Notes: Everybody was messing up in that last regulation deal that they danced, Wayne ripped up a cue card & both Drake & Tighe tried to interrupt Wayne asking who wants to go for the BDotD.)
BD (Ernestina):
SD (#2): H.T.
MD (#1): SpaBerry pkg.
BD (#3): South America pkg.- X
Brenda: Clothespin ($500)(T)- SORRY
Enriquetta (flower): Says she has seven petals on herself (J)- ONE SHORT
Kelsey: Two nickels & $1 ($300)- X
Nicholas (chef): Remembering his recipe for a great deal ($200)(J)- FAIL
Danielle (Cookie Monster): #2- W/D rm. ($4,270)
Michael (dark blue grad): $1K (SB)- Fast food jewelry
Ernestina (Rock star): SE- PD (trip to Grand Pineapple)
A: Bobbie (propeller)
C: Chevrolet Camaro
WIPEOUT ($600)
Warren's FD D (manufacturing home industry PM dressed as Popeye): #1 ON HOUSE- $300 (#2: BBQ pkg.)
Kimber's FD D (grapes): #1- G.R. (BB: Wind-up car)
Melissa (UC-Davis math student dressed as pig):
R1: SB- Spa treatments (#1: Bedroom)
FD:#2- PD #2 (ScIOn xB)
TL: Sandra
T (#3): 5n at Smugglers' Notch ($6,450)
"Dharma & Greg": '97- SITS W/ $500 (so now you see why they switched segments today)
"Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman": '93
"Newsradio": '95
Friends of the D: Drake & Tighe
D: #3 (CHINESE)- Z
T: BB (ITALIAN)- FLYScooter (Wayne wrongly said it was a VESPA)
(Notes: Everybody was messing up in that last regulation deal that they danced, Wayne ripped up a cue card & both Drake & Tighe tried to interrupt Wayne asking who wants to go for the BDotD.)
BD (Ernestina):
SD (#2): H.T.
MD (#1): SpaBerry pkg.
BD (#3): South America pkg.- X
Brenda: Clothespin ($500)(T)- SORRY
Enriquetta (flower): Says she has seven petals on herself (J)- ONE SHORT
Kelsey: Two nickels & $1 ($300)- X
Nicholas (chef): Remembering his recipe for a great deal ($200)(J)- FAIL