G1: Turrentines (DAL)(April, Kenny, Sheila, Larry & Eric) v. Lorenzens
(Notes: April's a Dept. of Justice worker & Kenny's a nephew & utility acct. specialist.)
R1 (guys): Name something a woman does that shows she likes you:
#1: Smiles (23)(April)
Kenny: Holds your hand(s)- X
Sheila: Gives you kisses- #5 (7)
Larry: Gives you her #- XX
Eric (Bank of America worker married to April): Cooks dinner- BA (6)
April: Dances- XXX
Kelli S: Tells you she likes you- X
#2: Plays w/ hair (20)
#3: Winks/bats eyelashes (19)
#4: Dresses sexy (9)
R2 (ladies): If your man were a stripper, which one of the seven dwarfs' names might his stage name be?:
#2: Grumpy (27)(Kenny)
#3: Sleepy (19)(Taryn)
Sheila: Clumsy
Larry: Dopey- BA (3)
Eric: Sneezy- XX
April: Mopey
Kelli S #2: Bashful- #4 (18)
#1: Happy (29)
Unsaid BA: Doc
Double: Name something some people are desperate to get out of:
#1: Debt/taxes (45)(Zach)
Brynn: Marriage/rela'ship- #3 (11)
Kenzie: Work/job- #2 (14)
Kelli: Doctor's appt.- X
Taryn: Jury duty- #5 (5)
Zach: Lines- XX
Brynn: Jail/prison- #4 (7)
Kenzie: Trouble- XXX
April S: Traffic- X (BA: Bad/blind dates)(3)
TRIPLE (gentlemen): What would you do if you had Donald Trump's hair?:
#1: Cut/shave it (74)(Brynn)
X- Get a wig (Larry)
Kenzie: Dye it- BA (2- even gray)
Kelli: Recomb/brush- #2 (13)
Taryn: Want it- X
Zach: Get implants
Brynn: Put a product in it- XXX
April S to Keep/Lose Title: Nothing- L (Leftover BA: Hide/never go out)
1. How many cups of coffee a day do experts say's healthy?
2. Something that kids take pictures of.
3. A word rhyming w/ "beach".
4. A sport w/ lots of grunting & moaning.
5. The month when you do your Spring cleaning.
1. Two: 46
2. Parents/family: 24
3. Leech: 24
4. Football: 26
5. Mar.: 31
T- 151
1. One: 16
2. Pets: 12 (#1: House)
3. Teach: 19
4. Tennis: 10- W (#1: Wrestling)
5. Apr.
G2: Jeffersons (Vince, David, Kerol, Shelli & Michael) v. Doughtys ($20K in thrilling fashion)
(Note: Vince's an entrepreneur for a waste business who's been married for 23 yrs.)
R1 (married men): Name something about a chicken that might remind you of your wife:
#1: Legs/thighs (51)(David)
#2: Breasts (31)(Chandler)
X- Gobbling (Cheryl) & softness (Vince)
Kerol: Pecking- X
Shelli: Take a peek.
Michael: Wings/flapping- #3 (6)
Vince: Eggs- XXX
Cheryl S: Clucking- X
T4: Neck & strut (3 apiece)
BA: Skin
R2: F-O
Sherry: Strip- X
David: Thinks about another guy- XX
Landra: TV- T6 (4)
Cheryl: Burped- #2 (15)
Chandler: Fell asleep- BA (3)
Sherry: Laughed- #3 (14)
David: Bit me/bloody- T6 (4)
Landra: Checked phone- XXX
Vince S: Slap/belted you- X
#4: Groped (my fig)(7)
#5: Kept eyes open (5)
Double: Tell me something you call a woman when you DON'T know her name:
#1: Miss(y)(32)(Sherry)
David: Lady- X
Landra: Ma'am- #2 (29)
Cheryl: Hon(ey)- #3 (12)
Chandler: Sweetie/sweetheart- BA (3)
Sherry: Dear- XX
David: Babe/y- #4 (4)
Landra: Sug(ar)- XXX
Vince S #2: Cut(i)e- X (Rest of BAs: Madam & you)
TRIPLE: Name something you do to a mustache:
#1: Trim/shave (64)(David)
Landra: Wax- #3 (9)
Cheryl: Twist/twirl- BA (7)
Chandler: Color- X
Sherry: Brush/comb (18)
1. When camping, name an uninvited creature who might join you in your tents.
2. A specific beverage that should always be served cold.
3. Something you might see next to a public pool.
4. On the scale, how much of a do-good are you?
5. Someplace you can't wait to leave.
1. Rat: 3
2. Coke: 22
3. Net: X
4. 7: 13
5. Church: 2
T- 40
1. Bear: 20 (#1: Snake)
2. Beer: 26
3. Diving board: 2 (#1: Lifeguard)
4. 6: 11
5. Work: 46
T- 145
6PM: 6
6:30 PM: 7
(Notes: April's a Dept. of Justice worker & Kenny's a nephew & utility acct. specialist.)
R1 (guys): Name something a woman does that shows she likes you:
#1: Smiles (23)(April)
Kenny: Holds your hand(s)- X
Sheila: Gives you kisses- #5 (7)
Larry: Gives you her #- XX
Eric (Bank of America worker married to April): Cooks dinner- BA (6)
April: Dances- XXX
Kelli S: Tells you she likes you- X
#2: Plays w/ hair (20)
#3: Winks/bats eyelashes (19)
#4: Dresses sexy (9)
R2 (ladies): If your man were a stripper, which one of the seven dwarfs' names might his stage name be?:
#2: Grumpy (27)(Kenny)
#3: Sleepy (19)(Taryn)
Sheila: Clumsy
Larry: Dopey- BA (3)
Eric: Sneezy- XX
April: Mopey
Kelli S #2: Bashful- #4 (18)
#1: Happy (29)
Unsaid BA: Doc
Double: Name something some people are desperate to get out of:
#1: Debt/taxes (45)(Zach)
Brynn: Marriage/rela'ship- #3 (11)
Kenzie: Work/job- #2 (14)
Kelli: Doctor's appt.- X
Taryn: Jury duty- #5 (5)
Zach: Lines- XX
Brynn: Jail/prison- #4 (7)
Kenzie: Trouble- XXX
April S: Traffic- X (BA: Bad/blind dates)(3)
TRIPLE (gentlemen): What would you do if you had Donald Trump's hair?:
#1: Cut/shave it (74)(Brynn)
X- Get a wig (Larry)
Kenzie: Dye it- BA (2- even gray)
Kelli: Recomb/brush- #2 (13)
Taryn: Want it- X
Zach: Get implants
Brynn: Put a product in it- XXX
April S to Keep/Lose Title: Nothing- L (Leftover BA: Hide/never go out)
1. How many cups of coffee a day do experts say's healthy?
2. Something that kids take pictures of.
3. A word rhyming w/ "beach".
4. A sport w/ lots of grunting & moaning.
5. The month when you do your Spring cleaning.
1. Two: 46
2. Parents/family: 24
3. Leech: 24
4. Football: 26
5. Mar.: 31
T- 151
1. One: 16
2. Pets: 12 (#1: House)
3. Teach: 19
4. Tennis: 10- W (#1: Wrestling)
5. Apr.
G2: Jeffersons (Vince, David, Kerol, Shelli & Michael) v. Doughtys ($20K in thrilling fashion)
(Note: Vince's an entrepreneur for a waste business who's been married for 23 yrs.)
R1 (married men): Name something about a chicken that might remind you of your wife:
#1: Legs/thighs (51)(David)
#2: Breasts (31)(Chandler)
X- Gobbling (Cheryl) & softness (Vince)
Kerol: Pecking- X
Shelli: Take a peek.
Michael: Wings/flapping- #3 (6)
Vince: Eggs- XXX
Cheryl S: Clucking- X
T4: Neck & strut (3 apiece)
BA: Skin
R2: F-O
Sherry: Strip- X
David: Thinks about another guy- XX
Landra: TV- T6 (4)
Cheryl: Burped- #2 (15)
Chandler: Fell asleep- BA (3)
Sherry: Laughed- #3 (14)
David: Bit me/bloody- T6 (4)
Landra: Checked phone- XXX
Vince S: Slap/belted you- X
#4: Groped (my fig)(7)
#5: Kept eyes open (5)
Double: Tell me something you call a woman when you DON'T know her name:
#1: Miss(y)(32)(Sherry)
David: Lady- X
Landra: Ma'am- #2 (29)
Cheryl: Hon(ey)- #3 (12)
Chandler: Sweetie/sweetheart- BA (3)
Sherry: Dear- XX
David: Babe/y- #4 (4)
Landra: Sug(ar)- XXX
Vince S #2: Cut(i)e- X (Rest of BAs: Madam & you)
TRIPLE: Name something you do to a mustache:
#1: Trim/shave (64)(David)
Landra: Wax- #3 (9)
Cheryl: Twist/twirl- BA (7)
Chandler: Color- X
Sherry: Brush/comb (18)
1. When camping, name an uninvited creature who might join you in your tents.
2. A specific beverage that should always be served cold.
3. Something you might see next to a public pool.
4. On the scale, how much of a do-good are you?
5. Someplace you can't wait to leave.
1. Rat: 3
2. Coke: 22
3. Net: X
4. 7: 13
5. Church: 2
T- 40
1. Bear: 20 (#1: Snake)
2. Beer: 26
3. Diving board: 2 (#1: Lifeguard)
4. 6: 11
5. Work: 46
T- 145
6PM: 6
6:30 PM: 7